
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Macrayou? No, Macrame!

Last Friday I was running errands — killing time before my emergency dental appointment — and I popped into Dick Blick to see if they had any good crafting magazines. I didn't find any magazines I liked, but I did find this awesome book.

If you've read my second post of this blog, you'll know how fond I am of the late 70s/early 80s and this book had my holy grail — my white whale if you will — a macrame plant holder!

I wasted no time finding the supplies I needed (100 feet of cotton rope and a 1-1/2" metal ring). I even bought a plant and a really cool looking metal flower pot at IKEA. When I got home on Saturday it was time to braid and knot some rope.

Now, because of copyright, I can't share with you guys the complete step-by-step for making the plant holder. Instead I took a series of photos and have listed them in sequence down below. After the pictures I have a brief review of the project.

This project has actually pretty easy. It took about an hour to make from beginning to end. There were just two things I wish they had mentioned in the "how to":
  1. That you should use spare pieces of of rope to wrap and secure the pieces. I used one of the main pieces and it ended up shortening one my rope groups.
  2. Have someone hold the plant holder while you figure out where the end knot will be because at first I didn't and when I finally got the plant in there (have someone help you that, too) I started futzing with the ropes and making them hold the plant evenly and the plant pot fell out of the plant holder.
That said, I will definitely be making more of these. The materials — rope and a metal ring — only cost me about $15 which makes this a pretty good project for house warming presents. Plus, once you get the hang of making the plant holder, the pattern is simple enough to make it with all types of heavy-duty string and rope.

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